In our senior wing, our vision is to prepare our students for life, outside the portals of the formal Institution. We broaden their horizons so that their world encompasses the whole mankind.
We wish to deepen their thoughts, so that their learning becomes the means to achieve that perfection of mind in which analytical reasoning goes hand in hand with logical conclusion.
We also wish earnestly to instill in them, basic core values of living a good and a happy life, like honesty, goodness, humility, philanthropy. With frequent counseling,
We ensure that they become more adaptive and accept changes with ease. Nothing is constant in this life. Once they learn to accept things, they eventually become more contented. They will be guided to accept adversities without fear. Gender equality is another important trait that they will be sensitized to. Every maxfortian has to learn to treat every individual with respect, without any discrimination.
At the academic front, we strive to provide pedagogies that will promote learning of Science and Technology. The focus will also be on liberal arts and language learning, purely based on the interest and the aptitude of our learners. Efforts are to create a healthy learning environment, treating mental agility and physical fitness as a priority by weaving this fabric in the curriculum.
In the senior wing, our young adults are made responsible for those who are less fortunate, by involving them in various community services. Also they are trained to respect all incumbents, by fully comprehending the right to privacy.
We strive hard to provide a ‘Child Safe’ environment and we are in it together as a team. Our prime focus is on providing them with a basket of skills.
In our senior wing, our vision is to prepare our students for life, outside the portals of the formal Institution. We broaden their horizons so that their world encompasses the whole mankind.